St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Pawnee, OK

St. John Bronze
by Algardi
Gifted Patron

by Dennis A. DiPaolo
[a text for use with any 87 87 87 hymn-tune]

[tune playing: Tantum Ero]

Gifted patron, John, apostle,
Loved disciple of the Lord,
Though unmartyred you bore witness
To the Love of God outpoured.
Write in us, God's very children,
Heart's fulfillment, faith's reward.

Your pen gave us gift of glimpsing
Depth of God's own inner life.
Timeless Word of God was spoken,
Flesh divine is Jesus Christ!
Only Son among us dwelling,
Life to full for humankind.

James and Peter with you saw him
On transfiguration day;
Mountain vision, now life's mission
Fueling goodness' daily way.
Give us such as this as bounty,
Grace on grace with him to stay.

Sentinel of Calv'ry's suff'ring,
Standing loyalty's risky road,
Mary's "second son" becoming,
Even here your service sowed;
Soon eternal life is lavished!
Finest watch as Pasch unfolds.

In our world redeemed, redeeming,
May we dare the Eagle's sight;
Recognizing signs and wonders,
God's true presence, rich delight!
To our path do give direction;
Show us still God's Light from Light.

To the Alpha and Omega,
Lamb of God, all glory be
With our Abba and the Spirit
Now and come eternity;
Praise and honor, adoration,
Blessing, power, majesty!

© Copyright 2001 by Dennis A. DiPaolo

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